On June 3rd, 2006, Dennis & Beth Piranio of Piranio's Antique Automotive held an engine dynomometer seminar for the Dallas Model A Ford club and other customers. This seminar involved the dyno testing of various Model A Ford engine components. The goal was to show several combinations of bolt on engine components available through Piranio's Antique Auto that are dyno proven to increase the power output of your Model A Ford engine, allowing a customer to drive his or her Model A at speed in daily traffic without sacrificing dependability or economy.

We tested high compression heads, modified intake manifolds, carburetors, and the Aries muffler.
The short block was stock with no changes in camshaft, balancing, counterweighting, etc.

At the end of the seminar, a customer noted that the power gains were impressive, but he felt that it would be informative to test for gas milage as well, considering the current price of fuel.
Since the seminar, we have designed & constructed the components necessary to test for milage & we have begun to test components.